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Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa Internasional yang digunakan masyarakat dunia untuk saling bertukar informasi. Di era global ini, bisa berbahasa Inggris merupakan tuntutan untuk setiap individu. Mampu berbahasa Inggris berarti mampu bersaing dengan masyarakat dunia.
Maka dari itu, saya sebagai mahasiswa Sastra Inggris semester akhir Unnes menawarkan les privat Bahasa Inggris dengan metode pembelajaran yang santai dan menyenangkan untuk area Semarang, dan Universitas Negeri Semarang dan sekitarnya.
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Yuk belajar bahasa Inggris bersama saya..See you soon ^_^
Label: belajar bahasa inggris mudah murah menyenangkan, Guru privat bahasa inggris, guru privat bahasa inggris semarang, les bahasa inggris, les bahasa inggris semarang, les privat bahasa inggris
The Little Black Boy by William Blake: An Intrinsic and Extrinsic Elements Analysis
The Little Black
Boy by William Blake:
An Intrinsic and
Extrinsic Elements Analysis
William Blake was
one of the most well-known poets throughout centuries. Not only as a poet, but
he was also one of the most influential visual arts as well as printmakers
around the world. His remarkable works belong to the characteristics of
Romantic Movement and as “Pre-Romantic” which was around 1798-1830. Even though
he was considered “mad” because of his idiosyncratic or “quirk” habit he had,
he is in a high reputation for his expressiveness and creativity, and for his
mystical and philosophical contained within his works. He was born on November
28, 1757 in London, and was a son of London retail shopkeeper. In the age of
fourteen, he had to work as an engraver which stimulated his imagination of
drawings. However, the Bible was an early profound
influence on Blake, and remained a source of inspiration throughout his life.
Baca selengkapnya »Label: intrinsic aand extrinsic element of a poem, little black boy analysis, little black boy poem, poem, william blake
I Miss You So Much
It's been a long time
We have never communicated
It's hard for me to say
That I miss you
Baca selengkapnya »Label: i miss you, missing someone, poem, puisi, puisi bahasa inggris, rindu
Book Report and Review - Totto-chan; The Litte Girl at the Window
I. Summary
Kuronayagi (Totto-chan for short) started her stories when she was expelled from her elementary school because of her
manner. She used to open and close her desk hundreds of times which it was
really annoying for the people in the class. When she was not making a clatter
with her
Baca selengkapnya »Label: Book report review, Novel, resensi novel Totto-chan, review novel, summary novel, Totto-chan novel
Summary and Review Novel : Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
1. Summary
his cousin, Mr. Enfield was first telling about a dreadful story, Mr. Utterson
could not believe at first. He did not suppose that the story would bring him
to a very complicated case. When they were taking a walk as their weekly routine, they passed a door in the back of a
house. Seeing that door, Mr. Enfield looked back on queering incident had happened a few night
before and this was told to Mr. Utterson.
Baca selengkapnya »Label: Novel, review novel dr. jekyll and mr. hyde, strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, summary novel
An Escaped Prisoner
Once there was a war between Ottoman
and French that had been occured for almost a half year. Vienna had been
subjected by his opponent for he had not had enough soldiers to push the
Ottoman's back. Ever since Ottoman's had ruled Vienna, the soldiers became
prisoners, yet one of the prisoners was the captain. For had he to safe his
region and the soldiers, he decided to escape. After he saw a hole on the
ceiling, he then started climbing on to get on the hole and hid on the roof.
Even though he was trained, yet it must have been hard to escape as a prisoner.
Afterwards the soldiers realised a prisoner had escaped and directly pursued
him. The prisoner jumped out to a house and tried to hid on the roof,
unfortunately a villager saw him. After a while the villager was able to give
him a help. Unfortunately turned to fortunately, the prisoner hid safely.
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Attacked by Puma
Mrs. Stone had spent the whole morning in the garden picking the blackberries, she wanted to make jam with it. She really enjoyed picking the blackberries with a big basket in her hand full of berries. She forgot that the time had flown and it was nearly lunch time, so she decided to come back home. She was just walking through the path full of bushes to cut the road when she suddenly heard a noise in the right side of her between the bushes, she felt that the noises were not far from her. Then she saw an animal which its body looks like a cat, but in big size with a trail of dead deer behind it. She know it was not a cat, because its body is too big for a cat size and never she had seen a cat could kill a deer. The animal suddenly turn back its body with a sharp staring eyes pointed at her, she thought it was going to attack her. She was really frightened then she dropped her basket and ran fast without knowing the animal could hear her noises. Hearing the sound, the animal ran after which, Mrs. Stone screamed loudly and ran all the way home. She told her neighbours that she had seen cat-like-animal in the garden which she believed it was a puma but they didn’t believe her. She also phoned the police but they didn’t believe either.
Label: Short Story