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Book Report and Review - Totto-chan; The Litte Girl at the Window
Rabu, 12 Oktober 2016 | 0 comments

            I. Summary

Tetsuko Kuronayagi (Totto-chan for short) started her stories when she was expelled  from her elementary school because of her manner. She used to open and close her desk hundreds of times which it was really annoying for the people in the class. When she was not making a clatter with her

desk, she was standing up at the window in order to invite the street musician over and the children would crowd by the window and call out to the musician. Instead of calling the street musician, Totto-chan was also talking to swallows making a nest under the classroom eaves. For the teacher, those are so annoying so that Totto-chan would better be moved to another school. Luckily Totto-chan has such a  kind and wise  mother that the mother brought Totto-chan to another school without telling the true reasons.
Her new elementary school is very different from other elementary schools. For its classroom, the school had made use of six abandoned railroad cars. Tomoe Gakuen, a school in the train! Besides, Tomoe has a rule which each of the students can choose her/his lesson schedule in that day. If children start it with lesson they like, absolutely the learning activity will be alive and fun.
Totto-chan is really excited with her new school. When the first time she entered Tomoe Gakuen, the headmaster who also a music master, Mr. Sosaku Kobayashi, did not mind listening Totto-chan’s stories up to four hours. Moreover, Mr. Kobayashi also applies the learning ways which can pull up children’s own talents, let them grow up with nature rhythm without any pressure which cause the  feeling of being oppressed when they study.
Mr. Kobayashi also instills morality, autonomous, and self-confidence into each of his students. In order to make it a habit, the headmaster asks the students to bring their own lunch with something from the ocean and something from the hills which make Totto-chan thinks that lunch at school could be as much fun as that. Not only in the class the learning session be held, but also outside of the school by walking around the village. From walking session, students can get many precious lessons about science, history, and also biology.
One day Totto-chan accidently dropped her purse down to the toilet , Totto-chan immediately started ladling out the contents of the cassepool. In that moment the headmaster happened to pass by, instead of saying  “what in the earth are you doing?!” or “Stop it, it is very dangerous”, yet he said “you will put it all back when you’ve finished, won’t you?”. These words successed to make Totto-chan fulfill her promise by putting all the solid stuff and the pile back.
Their daily school life had been somehow instilled into them  that they amazingly well behaved when they got on the Tokyo train at Jiyugaoka,  that they should get in line and walk properly and keep quite in the train, and not drop litter on the floor when they ate their food, and that they should try not to do that annoyed or disturb other.
Mr. Kobayashi also taught the students about Eurythmics, a music education through rhythm to make the personality rhythmical. And a rhythmical personality is beautiful and strong, , conforming to and obeying to the laws of nature.  It is begun with training the body to understand the rhytym.
the headmaster also had successed to instill the confidence of his students to wear their worst clothes or threadbare clothes they ever have so that it wouldn’t matter if they got muddy or torn. He also successed to make Takahashi, a stopped-growing kid, be more confident by holding sport day with making all the track of the race comfort to Takahashi condition  so that he easily got win. As a result, Takahashi won almost the races. The first winner got a giant radish; second winner two burdock roots; third winner a bundle of spinach. Until she was much older Totto-chan thought all schools gave vegetables for Sports Day prizes.
In another opportunity, Mr. Kobayashi introduced a new teacher who was actually not a teacher, the man was a farmer working in the field by the stream. The headmaster didn’t care about teacher certificate. The farming teacher told the students all about weeds; how hardly they were; how some grew faster than crops and hid the sun from them; how weeds were good hiding places for bad insects; and how weeds could be a nuisance by taking all the nourishment from the soil. The also showed them how to hoe; how to make forrows; how to spread fertilizer; and everything else you had to do to grow thigs in a field. Moreover, he told interesting things about insects, birds, butterflies, and weather.
Mr. Kobayashi always gives positive motivation to all the pupils at Tomoe. Totto-chan who was ever expelled from her previous school, always be given a positive motivation by the headmaster saying that, “you are really a good girl, you know” and it becomes a meaningful saying from the headmaster in all over Totto-chan’s life.
It was an interesting thing happen when a new pupil came to Tomoe, named Miyazaki who was grown up in America. Mr. Kobayashiasked the students to learn English and American life from Miyazaki. They fast became friends and learned language and culture. What makes it interesting is at that time America is a big enemy of Japan, and English was not taught anymore in the schools. But Mr. Kobayashi believed that by learning English and its culture, it will expand the students’ knowledge.

The situation was getting harder when Great East Asia War happened and bombing everywhere in Japan. In the 1945, Tomoe burned down. Lots of incendiary bombs dropped by the B29 bombers enveloped in flames. In the midst of it all, the head master stood in the road and watched Tomoe burn and asked to his university-student son what  kind of school he should build next. Mr. Kobayashi’s love for children and his passion for teaching were stronger than the flames enveloping the school.

II. Review

Title                 : Totto-chan ; The Little Girl at the Window
Author             : Tetsuko Kuronayagi
Publisher         : Kodansha Publishers Ltd.
Thick               : 229 Pages

Tetsuko Kuronayagi is a very brilliant writer who successfully spread her personal experiences when she was in elementary school. She was the little girl in the window whose childhood was full of experience, and many moral values or lessons we can get from the story.
Totto-chan; The Little Girl in The Window is an impressive novel I have ever read. In delivering her precious stories, Tetsuko uses Totto-chan’s point of view, so that the language used is as simple as what kid’s thinking.  with the antics of a kid in behaving makes us tingle sometimes, some parts of the story have humor within it which make us don’t feel at the loose end in reading it. Even though Tetsuko is around 48 when she wrote the novel, but she ended it perfectly.  It cannot be denied that what makes this novel is worth reading is the simplicity of the language and surely the abundant of moral value.
Instead of Tetsuko’s using Totto-chan’s point of view, there is a further point that I want to appreciate is that its contents rich of lesson. So many moral value that I even have not ever imagined before. This novel, if we have lots of understanding of this novel, can teach us so many things that certainly may help us in growing our future kids. In my opinion, every story has its purpose to represent precious values. We can find such as etiquette toward others, understanding each other, losing something, appreciating something, etc. Those are some of the things we can learn from the novel.
Considering from the points above, I think this novel is really worth reading book for all age, especially for children and teenagers. From its contents, it can be used to be a reference in developing education nowadays.
Out of the outstanding points contained in the novel, I think there is no any flaws inside the novel. 

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